
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Sleeping Disorder

Ever since I was a kid, I've had this weird thing happen to me, that I never could explain accurately.  It doesn't happen all the time, but I'd say maybe every few months, so sometimes a little more frequently.  I've decided to try to start documenting every time it happens in here so I can keep a good score of how often it really does happen.
The best way I could describe it was that while I'm asleep, my brain suddenly wakes up, but my body stays asleep.  I suddenly become awake, and completely aware of everything that is happening around me.  I can hear everything as if I were wide awake, laying there in bed.  I could swear that I can even see everything, even though I'm asleep so my eyes must be closed.  But I can't wake my body up for the life of me.  I try rocking it back and forth to try to shake myself awake, but as hard as I try throwing my body across the bed, I know that it is barely moving an inch.  I try to scream, perhaps to gets someone's attention so they can wake me up, but even my vocal chords won't work.  At least once I KNOW that I stopped breathing during this even.  I eventually shake my body enough to shock it back into consciousness, and I can move again.  It happened to me this morning(April 18th 2012), and I finally woke up at 5:30 in the monring.  And like all the other times, as dead tired as I was, barely able to keep my eyelids open, I was scared to go back to sleep for the fear that it would happen again.  I lay there in bed, horrified, not knowing if I should risk it.  I always do risk it, and doze back off.  I don't think it's ever happened to me twice in one night.  Yet. . . .

I have gone through this countless times ever since I was a kid, and never knew what was wrong, or how to describe it to people.  I kind of thought it happened to everyone.  I never knew it was a real THING before.

. . .

One of my favorite sites is www.oddee.com.  Every day they have a new list up.  Some sort of amusing list, usually involving either funny pictures, or interesteing facts.  On March 27th, they posted 8 Bizarre Sleep Disorders.
I was going down the list, reading some interesting ones.  Even some funny ones, like the woman who gained 60 lbs by eating in her sleep.
And then I came up to the last one.  The most bizarre one of them all:  Sleep Paralysis.
I couldn't believe my eyes, as it described what I haven't been able to put into proper words for over 20 years.  Suddenly, what I have been going through since I was a child was real, and I had a name for it.  No, it was not normal for everyone to go through it, and no, I must not be the only person that suffers from it.  Bizarre.  Something personal to me and my life made a list of bizarre.  It is such a relief to finally know that it's real, and to have a name for it after all this time.  Sleep Paralysis.


  1. Jef, I have suffered from this for years. Screaming hoping someone will hear me and wake me up, but my voice just won't work. Trying so hard to shake my leg or move an arm just to get something to get me to fully wake up. You're not alone and you now have a friend you can talk to, because I have been there too.

  2. I must have had at least 5 or 6 episodes between 8th grade and my junior year of high school. Trying to desperately scream and nothing comes out. the first few times were even more terrifying because like your little posting above, I was halusinating a large black mass sitting on my chest. I do know since I was I child, I do sometimes sleep with my eyes open. Its strange to be dreaming and the items from your surrounding bedroom start coming into focus and the items from the dream start to fade. A little more odd than, you just open your eyes and waking up
