
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Let's get a discussion going.  I'm wondering what is the most rediculous reason someone has ever used to unfriend/block you on facebook?

My most recent story for losing a friend was because I was being too good of a friend to him, in my opinion.  A friend of mine messaged me, telling me he was bored.  When I got the message the next day, I told him that I would have offered to give him my number so we could pass the time on the phone, if I didn't have company that night.  He responded back that he isn't much of a talker. 
I told him that "Its ok. I dont want to make you uncomfortable if you dont want to exchange numbers. But im willing to if you ever change your mind. If you dont like to talk, I dont mind texting either."

Days later, he never messaged me back, and I noticed we suddenly aren't friends anymore, so I message him again with "hey, is everything ok? we stopped being friends on here. I hope I didn't push it too much with the phone thing. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
By the next morning, I was now blocked.

How rediculous is it that he unfriended me and blocked me without every messaging me to tell me I had said or done anything wrong, and after I apologized for doing nothing more than saying something friendly to him?!?!

So, what stories do you have of rediculous reasons for losing a friend?


  1. Man Jef, that blows. You're such a nice guy and for someone to take that as a reason to unfriend you're better off without them.

    I think the strangest unfriending I've ever had was because I wouldn't choose sides between a life long friend and the person who I had befriended. My lifelong friend had started dating the woman's ex boyfriend. The woman tried to paint me as the devil and campaigned to have our mutual friends drop me because I wouldn't choose her over someone who had been my best friend since before I can remember.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jef, that really sux. Though it's important to keep in mind that it's not necessarily something you caused.

    I've been unfriended countless times with no reason of any kind shared. Was it my comments that drove them away? My photos? Did I come off as rude and didn't know it? Was I simply not "hot" enough to 'em?

    It's not so much the feeling of rejection that gets to me, as most folks on FB only want a "bar friend" relationship with nothing that's too deep or too invested. But there is a sort of disappointing surprise to go to a profile to share in someone's recent experiences and see how they've been, only to find you were cut off without reason at some indeterminate time.

    Think about it - say you have a light friendship with a person in your neighborhood you always see walking about, or you visit with them in the locally popular cafe or bar. One day while following your routine you run into them again and smile and greet them. Yet this time when you say hello, they don't respond or maybe even give you a dirty look. Or perhaps they stare through you like you don't exist or they have no idea who you are. What does that mean when that happens in "the real world"?

    There are still plenty of unknowns when it comes to the psychology of online social interaction - so in the meantime, we have no choice but to make up our own answers and information in the absence of it.

    At this point, just tell yourself that you're a good person and move foward to your next kindness :-)
